Spinach Pesto Pasta

Bahan (untuk 3 orang) :
- Spaghetti 150 gram
- Bayam 3 ikat kecil
- Kacang tanah 30 gram
- Bawang putih 4 siung
- Keju cheddar 30 gram
- Daging dada ayam tanpa tulang 2 potong
- Tomat ceri 2 buah
- Garam secukupnya
- Merica secukupnya
- Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara memasak:
1. Ulek/blender bawang putih, kacang tanah, dan bayam sampai halus. Tambahkan garam, lada, dan minyak goreng secukupnya. Sisihkan.
Jangan takut keasinan saat membubuhkan garam. Ulekan mentah  sebaiknya agak keasinan, agar saat digabung dengan spaghetti, rasa asinnya jadi pas dan gurih.
2. Tuang sedikit minyak di atas teflon. Bubuhkan garam dan merica pada satu sisi daging ayam, lalu tumis di atas teflon. Taburi garam dan merica pada sisi yg satu lagi, masak sampai matang. Potong-potong ukuran jari / sesuai selera.
3. Rebus dan tiriskan spaghetti sesuai saran yg tertera pada bungkusnya.
Tambahkan sedikit garam dan 1 sdm minyak goreng dalam rebusan air, agak spaghetti tidak lengket.
3. Tuang sedikit minyak lagi di atas teflon bekas memasak ayam tadi. Tumis ulekan halus, tambahkan keju, lalu tambahkan potongan daging ayam. Masukkan spaghetti, lalu campur hingga merata.
4. Saat hampir diangkat, tambahkan potongan tomat ceri. Aduk sebentar, lalu jadi deh^^.

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Personal Story
Well, I'm kinda easily-influenced type of person. Days ago I went to Ambrogio Pattiserrie and got impressed by the savoury taste of their dishes. Everything is well flavoured, the chicken, croissant, potato wedges, even the salad is delicious! I know they use certain oil and seasoning which is quite expensive. And I just cook for fun, spending too much in stuffs I won't use regularly seems too much for me. But coming to Ambrogio inspired me to cook a delish Western cuisine, with regular ingredients. I've tried creamy pesto pasta in The Cups Cafe before and quite impressed. So, I googled the recipe. Some use basil leaf, but it's hard to find, I must purchase it in specific store such as Setiabudi Supermarket or Riau Junction, and I bet it would be quite pricey. So I use spinach instead, hehe. Spinach is used in other recipes. The recipe above is not originally mine, I modified it from here.

It is quite easy to make and so tasty. I love cooking for some reasons. "If one can make it, why must one purchase it", haha. I've tried some recipes before but I never write down the recipe when I found out, I forgot them all. So starting now, I'll write down the recipes of dishes I've made.


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