Stir fry Pok Choy
- Pokchoy 3 ikat, cuci bersih, iris kecil
- Ayam rebus sekitar 250 gram kayaknya, iris kecil
- dan air kaldu rebusannya kayaknya selitar 1 gelas kurang
- Wijen 1 sdm, sangrai
- Saos tiram 1 sachet (23 ml)
- Garam secukupnya
- Minyak wijen 1 sdm
- Bawang putih 4 cm, cincang halus
- Jahe 1 cm cincang halus
- Bawang bombay 1/2 yg besar
- Cabe rawit merah 7
Cara membuat
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay
2. Lalu tumis bawang putih, lalu jahe
3. Masukkan ayam rebus, nah karena basically ayam rebus udah mateng yha, jadi ngga pake lama
4. Masukkan pokchoy, bagian bonggol dulu
5. Kasi garem disini. Logika ku, bonggol kan tebel dan keras, jadi kudu digaremin juga khusus biar berasa
6. Masukkan daun pokchoy
7. Beri saos tiram
8. Masukkan cabe rawit
9. Tambahkan air kaldu rebusan ayam. Deuh kental dan wangi pisan yeuh.
10. Beri minyak wijen.
11. Sajikan di mangkuk, taburi wijen sangrai
Personal story
It might look awfully unpleasing, but the taste is good! The recipe i follow was quite different, we should boil the unchopped pokchoy for 2 minutes, and the gravy should be poured on top of the boiled pokchoy. However, I am too lazy to prepare twice (boiling pot + sauce pan for the gravy) , plus we don't have that fancy flat long/oval shapped plate like the ones you see in Chinese food restaurant to nicely serve this kind of food. So chop the pokchoy and stir fry it together with the gravy it is! 🤪
I have lost interest in cooking for long, however, after cooking the ebi furai several days ago, I am now passionate about cooking again. This pokchoy one is not that kind of fancy dish I try to master, it was just I was hungry and there was no food at home. There is always a emergency dish called instant noodle, plus I had Gekikara Carbo I have never tried and was so curious and excited to try, but cooking instant noodle was not challenging. I love instant noodle, but I have eaten two about 3 days ago, so it might be not a wise choice. And this kind of emergency dish is nice for the tongue but not for the tummy. Not that it made me get fat easily, but my tummy doesn't feel really good after eating unhealthy food. I think about the 'after taste' too. And mom told me there were pokchoy and boiled chicken + the broth in the fridge. So I cooked.
This pokchoy could be modified in any way you want.. Add fish sauce, soy sauce (I planned to, but the sauce had already salty so I cancelled adding any soy sauce at all) , totole, mushroom (I'd really glad too, but there was no mushroom left in the fridge)
Yesterday I had just got my driving license, i look awfully ugly on it, it honestly dropped my mood 😂 I thank my bro very much for this unique birthday gift, lend his soon-to-be-sold car to use + driving car lesson + the driving license. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!! I am so excited. Today want to drive the far to go to try ramen in Sukajadi. Hope we all arrive safe and complete. Haha.
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