Mushroom Soy Butter Pasta

Bahan (untuk 1 orang) 
- Spaghetti angel hair(sekitar 70g-80g mungkin) 
- Jamur shimeji 1/4 pak (25gr) 
- Jamur champignon ukuran besar 1 buah
- Japanese soysauce/shoyu 1 sdm
- Butter/ cheaper substitenya margarin 1 sdm
- Bawang putih 1 siung cincang
- Bawang bombay 1/4 buah iris kecil
- Garam dan kaldu jamur secukupnya
- Air secukupnya

Cara membuat
1. Tumis bombay, lalu tumis bawang putih
2. Tumis jamur, tambah garam sedikit
3. Tambahkan air
4. Masukkan spaghetti
5. Tambahkan shoyu dan butter
6. Masak sampai spaghetti aldente (sekitar 10 menit/ sampai air susut) 

Found this recipe from @verenleecious. So excited to try it and i super love the result. The soysauce is mild, giving pretty much Asian vibes to the dish. And the mushroom, yeah i love mushroom very much at the first place, so. I'm really satisfied with this one. Japanese flavoured spaghetti, adding one variation for me to cook my favourite spaghetti. 


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