Thirty Days of Lunch

It's all started from one Ernest Prakasa's instagram story mentioning a podcast post featuring himself. It's called Thirty Days of Lunch. I like Ernest Prakasa's movies and watched some of his stand up comedy performances, so I was quite excited and listened to that podcast. It was so entertaining and inspiring for me and I continued to listen to this other posts. I started from their first podcast posts and I found them all so much inspiring! They invite an inspirative person telling his/her journey and points of view. The latest one I listened to was Irvin's Salted Egg owners and his story was amazing. Irvin's is not just a brand but a long exciting story. We listen right from the person behind the business, not from news article written by journalists, it feels so spontaneous, more honest and personal.

Thirty Days of Lunch is very much inspiring talks to listen to. And what I love most about podcast is that you can listen to it while multitasking with another thing. 


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