It was an uphill road when my motorcycle stopped working in the middle of the climb
I tried to turn on the machine again but it didn't work
Lucky me, a Gojek driver behind me helped me push the motorcycle up until the flat road
He tried to fix my motorcycle
Thinking it was because of the fuel that is empty but it was not
Another Gojek driver came and helped
He said it was because of the busi that's dirty or broken
He needed busi key to fix it but he didn't have it
I called Pa Ade, the logistic man, asking him to come to help me
He came, bringing that busi key
And fix my motorcycle
Finally, the machine can be turned on again
The gojek men went back after all the problems were fixed
I was grateful for yesterday
I am not capable of machine things,
But when I need help, there were people who helped
I ever had several problems with motorcycle in the middle of the road back then
But, although I have no clue at all about machinery,
There were always people who helped me fixing the situation
I thanked them very much
Before going home, I went to Dunkin Donut, buying some for family
Buying food home, a thing used to do but no more lately
Mbanking was error when I tried to top up Shopeepay and Gopay
There should be discount if I used them, but the ammount of money there wasn't enough
I tried to top up using Mbanking but it was error
Finally i bought them without discount
I was angry that time, my bad..
But after going home, seeing my sister was happily drinking the iced chocolate
My mom ate the durian donut, her favourite
(I didn't remember buying durian tho, as long as I remember, they said durian ones were out of stock)
She liked it, took some photographs of the donuts and iced chocolate
We remember father, how we used to ate together at Dunkin Donuts besides my Junior High School building after school..
It's father who introduced us to the iced chocolate here
I remembered very well he said "this is delicious! I ordered pure chocolate, don't use milk! Pure chocolate is more delicious! "
He kept saying that every time we ordered that drink
And seeing my mother and sister enjoying these Dunkins kinda made me happy
A happiness that I haven't felt again for so long...
I used to buy food home occasionally, or going to mall to have a meal and window shopping with them
Since covid, I rarely do all those
If I may be honest, really honest, the condition is not good, it actually never is
But let little things happened yesterday bright a little light...
As a remembrance that we all survived so far...