Friday, March 4, 2016

Dealing With Homeworks

Dealing Wih Homeworks
Yesterday I took my sister to take a class at 7 whilst I started working at 8 so it was too early for me to go to office. So instead of going there, I stucked in a book shop, buying drawing pens and two cute notebooks.  I also started to wrote down my expenses daily. (it was my 2011 unfinished resolution to be honest) My friend told me to download expense manager app in Play Store to do so and it helped me a lot!

The pic above was finished this early morning. The pic reminded me of my high school years, spending hours sitting in front of Physics or Mathematics assignments, got stressed, etc etc. And the messy room, haha.

And I thank Lord for these early months of 2016 :)

Intruding Snake

Today, just today, this very morning, half awake me going to bathroom in half darkness, when my eyes met an unknown moving object. I thought...