
Showing posts from 2016

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia) - C.S. Lewis (1950)

Green Tea

What A Day

Flaming Pots - Jl. Sukajadi 193, Bandung


Adam Levine - Lost Stars


No Internet Connection [GINTAMA VERSION]

The Keep Changing World

What Happened This Wednesday

A Quick Meeting in A Genocide

Happy 37th Birthday Sorachi Hideaki-sensei!


Yorokobi Usachan 喜び 兎ちゃん

Murder on the Orient Express - by Agatha Christie (Released in 1934)

The Big Four - by Agatha Christie (released in 1927)

Curtain - by Agatha Christie (released in 1975)


Crazily in Love With This Guy

Dealing With Homeworks

Best Place on Earth