Thursday, September 24, 2015

REVIEW: EOS Cats Eyes Softlens in Grey

me wearing EOS Cats Eyes in grey

Hello, hello! Here I want to review a new brand of softlens I've tried lately: EOS Cats Eyes in grey! :D
Below is pictures of this lens as worn by a model.

EOS Cats Eyes

Origin: Korea
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Water: 38%
Life span: max 6 months - 1 year

And here how my softlens look. Lens on the left is it's inner side (side which sticks with your eyes) while one on the right is it's outer side.
My lens in lenscase

On my fingertip

And below are my selfies while wearing this lens, pardon my narcism, hahaha.


Appearance (Color, Diameter, Pattern Design)

For me, the color is quite natural. The grey is not that dark so it can't be seen but also not that bright so people may stare at you while you are wearing it. So is the diameter, which was 14.5 mm, it looks like normal eyes' size. The pattern is natural as well. It has black outer ring but not thick and doesn't make your eyes look fake.


It was comfortable to wear, but I think Super Yogurt was more comfortable to wear for me.

This EOS Cats Eyes in grey is Suitable for: 

Ladies who want to try to look different with another natural eyes' color but don't want to get too much attention. Another good point is: this comfortable lens surprisingly comes in affordable price, it's just IDR 90K and free shipping fee ^^.

 Where to buy:

Whatsapp: 081320539069 | Line id: lydiayunita | BBM: 51E89230

Original and Free shipping fee to all Indonesia area ^^.

 Have you tried this EOS Cats Eyes and what do you think about it? Do you have your own favorite softlens' brand? :D

Have a nice day!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Unscientifically Proved: Function of Screaming OUT LOUD

Days ago I was in super masisive anger and as a rebound I screamed out loud, I meant REALLY OUT LOUD. On the road. On motorcycle.

Those were harsh words I was usually not used to say, I felt quite relieved after.

I was wearing a mask and when I screamed, nobody ever paid attention to me, nobody seemed to realize that there was a nut girl screaming fucking harsh words while riding motorcycle. Nah it was good lah^^.

Well, anger itself is not good for your own health. I had a headache the next 2 mornings. However surprisingly, my blood pressure was still normal (110)...

Despite the bad effects of anger, the screaming had good side for good.

  • I felt relieved. Letting (in my current case: anger) our was better than buried it inside the head. Stack it more and more and at once one trigger would explode it! By screaming alone on the road I didn't hurt anybody.
  • I could remember my dreams at night. When I was a kid I dreamt a lot and could recalled most of my dreams. Lately my nights were empty, I didn't have any dreams at all. These days after the screaming stuff, well, I had dreams and I could recall them.

Buried everything inside is not good, dear introverts :')
Let them go, release YOURSELF free from your own trash thoughts~

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Rijstaffel Resto - Jl. Pasirkaliki, Bandung

Nasi Liwet

Fried Chicken with serundeng - Tofu - Tempe - Mini Perkedel - x9

This was the one I ordered, nasi liwet. Was firstly confused about ordering mi tek-tek, sate jamur, or nasi begana, but in the end I chose this and this one tasted good (>_< )b 

I wanted to eat the rice directly from the pot but since I was with a friend and she didn't so I didn't as well.. hiks..

Teapot and cups of tea

Interior - Cozy Seating places


Inner garden

With clear glass roofing, this way the inner court would be light during days without lamps but still free from raindrops


Column detail
The ambience was very good, it was very pleasant of me to be here, chatting with a friend in a place with nice atmosphere.

And surprisingly what impressed me most was the TOILET.
Really it was super duper clean, and dunno whether the ceramic tile they chose or the lamp color which made the toilet room was very comfortable to be in.

After eating, they gave us a testimonial form, and I gave 5 points for their toilet's hygiene xD
Oh so I recommend Rijstaffel for its toilet? Bahaha

No lah. Yes the toilet was very impressive but the food and room atmosphere was very good as well^^.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


What's wrong is? When do I do wrongly, when I'm disagree with you?
I don't think so.
No, wrong is when it's not right *super simple translation


But the problem is what's truth itself.

What motivated me to think this way was personal
and I simply didn't think those were appropriate to be written here

But my conclusion is:

I don't want to do a thing, even a good one, with bad intentions behind.

And I don't mind reading many stuffs that let me see from many points of views
I prefer to realize that I'm not sure about a thing rather than fanatically trust a thing that may not be true since I heard it from one party.

The more you know the more you find out that you now nothing.

To my brain and heart, through these ups and downs please be keen to know what's right and wrong.
Not what you want to be right
But what's trully right even if it might not nice to realize.

I learn Mathematics from a Mathematics teacher.
I learn to understand Mathematics.
However my Mathematics teacher is, I don't care.
What important is the subject, not the teacher.

Intruding Snake

Today, just today, this very morning, half awake me going to bathroom in half darkness, when my eyes met an unknown moving object. I thought...