These are what is written on the back cover:
Ini kisah yang terjadi di bawah langit New York...
Tentang harapan yang muncul di tengah keputusasaan...
Tentang impian yang bertahan di antara keraguan...
Dan tentang cinta yang memberikan alasan untuk bertahan hidup.
Awalnya, Alex Hirano lebih memilih jauh-jauh dari gadis itu--malaikat kegelapan yang membuatnya cacat. Kemudian Mia Clark tertawa, dan Alex bertanya-tanya bagaimana ia bisa berpikir gadis yang memiliki tawa secerah matahari itu adalah malaikat kegelapan.
Awalnya, mata hitam yang menatapnya dengan tajam dan dingin itu membuat Mia gemetar ketakutan dan berharap bumi menelannya detik itu juga. Kemudian Alex Hirano tersenyum, dan jantung Mia yang malang melonjak dan berdebar begitu keras sampai-sampai Mia takut Alex bisa mendengarnya.
in English...
This story happened under the sky of New York City...
About hope that emerges in the midst of despair ...
About dream that persists among the hesitation
And about the love that gives a reason to survive
Initially, Alex Hirano prefer stay away from the girl - angel of darkness that made him defective. Then Mia Clark laughed, and Alex wondered how he could think a girl who had a laugh that was as bright as the sun to be an angel of darkness.
Initially, black eyes stared at her sharply and coldly made Mia tremble with fear and hope the earth would swallow her straight away. Then Alex Hirano smiled, and poor Mia's heart soared and pounded so hard till Mia was afraid that Alex could hear.
Yesterday I had just finished reading a novel by Ilana Tan, Sunshine Becomes You. As long as I know, it is her fifth novel after Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris, Winter in Tokyo, then Spring in London.
The story is about a pianist Alex Hirano whose hand was sprained after a girl falling on him. After the accident, it took many times to heal his hand so he had to cancel his concerts. The girl's name was Mia Clark and she felt so sorry and tried to apologize to him by being his right hand and helping him doing everything he can't do by having just one hand. And Alex Hirano received her offer although he hated to see her as he considered her as an angel of darkness.
The prolog was quite interesting for me as I see two persons of opposite now had to spend times together awkwardly. But things started to change after he found out that she was a really good dancer... Nah, I don't want to continue it as you'd better read and find out by yourself :D
Usually I don't really like romance stories... but I like this novel so much...
The storyline is quite unpredictable for me. And I was so curious about what the story would be going to in every page I was reading.
Thumbs up, Ilana Tan :) I really hope film directors in Indonesia would make it into film... it would be so so great! And if I could, I'd like to recommend Aelke Mariska or Yamada sisters to be the lead actress. I think they are very suitable.
One quote I found in Sunshine Becomes You:
Bagiku suatu perasaan tidaklah nyata kalau aku menolak merasakannya. Perasaan itu tidaklah nyata kalau aku menolak mengakuinya.
For me, a feeling is not real if I refuse to feel it. A feeling is not real when I refuse to admit it
Among all her books I had read, Winter in Tokyo is my favorite.